

20   (20 $)

  • Time of registration up to 1 hour (urgent up to 15 minutes are also possible)
  • Payment only after you confirm the results.

All data is specified exactly as the passport used:

  1. Full name
  2. Date of birth
  3. Passport series and number
  4. Date and time of departure (or the date and time of sample and the time of the result)
  5. Gender
  1. Specify all the necessary data.
  2. You are sent a photo to check all the data.
  3. Payment for the service (You will receive payment details after verification).
  4. Receiving a PDF document by mail or telegram.

Order form:

We guarantee anonymity and security of your data, sincerely COV-HELP!

How to make an order

Contact us

Contact us in a convenient way for you.

Data and document execution

Submit your details and wait for the test execution.

Verification and payment

Check the correctness of the test, then make the payment.

Receipt of document

Sending the finished electronic test to you by mail.

Quick help service with documents

We have been operating since 2017 and have a good reputation as a reliable assistant in the field of documents. Over 20,000 satisfied customers worldwide.
Ready to help quickly in a difficult and emergency situation. We are waiting for your calls and orders. We look forward to a long and mutually beneficial cooperation.

Contact Us

We work every day actively from 8:00 am to 11:00 pm. Our managers are available 24/7.
Write to us in telegram or by mail. You can also leave your contacts in the feedback form and we will get in touch with you.